
Krafft Basel
Rheingasse 12
CH-4058 Basel

+41 61 690 91 30

Arrival by public transport

  • Tram stop Rheingasse.
  • From SBB station: Tram no. 8 in the direction of Kleinhüningen.
  • From Badischer Bahnhof: Tram No. 6 in the direction of Allschwil.
  • With the reservation confirmation, public transport may be used free of charge for the journey to the hotel.

Arrival by car

The hotel driveway may be used for loading and unloading. The car can be parked in one our partner car park Claramatte nearby. Special conditions apply.

Arrival from the airport

Take bus number 50 from Euro Airport to the SBB railway station. Then take tram no. 8 in the direction of Kleinhüningen—get off at the Rheingasse tram stop.